Tooth enamel erosion is a common problem that can cause considerable discomfort and even result in tooth decay.
The erosion of your enamel occurs when the protective outer layer of your tooth’s surface is gradually worn away, allowing bacteria to seep in and cause damage.
Many people may wonder if there is anything they can do to reverse this process. Here’s what you need to know about reversing tooth enamel erosion.
Tooth enamel erosion is a common problem that can cause considerable discomfort and even result in tooth decay.
The erosion of your enamel occurs when the protective outer layer of your tooth’s surface is gradually worn away, allowing bacteria to seep in and cause damage.
Many people may wonder if there is anything they can do to reverse this process. Here’s what you need to know about reversing tooth enamel erosion.
What Causes Tooth Enamel Erosion?
Understanding the causes of tooth enamel erosion is important before attempting to reverse it. The primary cause of enamel erosion is acidic substances in food and drinks such as soft drinks, sports drinks, and citrus fruits.
These acids weaken the protective layer on teeth, leaving them vulnerable to damage over time. Other causes include grinding teeth, dry mouth, poor oral hygiene, genetics, intestinal problems, and certain medications.
Once the initial damage has been done, further enamel erosion will occur without intervention from yourself or a dental professional.
How Can You Reverse Tooth Enamel Erosion?
In some cases, it may be possible to reverse the effects of tooth enamel erosion by taking steps to protect your teeth. One of these steps is cutting down on sugary or acidic foods and drinks as much as possible; these are some of the main culprits behind the early stages of enamel erosion.
Additionally, you should ensure that you brush twice daily with fluoride toothpaste and floss regularly to minimize plaque build-up, which can contribute to increased acidity levels in your mouth.
Finally, be sure to visit your dentist every 6 months for checkups—they can offer advice on how best you can look after your teeth moving forward.
Can Professional Treatment Help Reverse Tooth Enamel Erosion?
Sometimes the effects of tooth enamel erosion go beyond what someone can apply at home – however, this does not mean hope is lost.
Your dentist may recommend special treatments such as micro-abrasion, which removes stains from acidic substances that have caused discoloration on teeth; this procedure cannot restore lost minerals but helps improve appearance, so it looks more pleasing aesthetically speaking.
Additionally, using highly concentrated fluoride gel directly applied to teeth has been shown to help strengthen the weakened areas and prevent further damage from occurring in the future – something that is worth considering if you’re concerned about long-term effects from eroded enamel!
Treating and reversing tooth enamel erosion requires a proper understanding of what causes it in the first place, as well as taking proactive measures such as limiting our exposure to acidic foods/drinks & improving our oral hygiene routine (e.g., brushing with fluoride).
If you’re worried about more serious damage, then professional treatments from family dentists like micro-abrasion & high concentration fluoride gels might also help – ideally, working with a dental professional who understands your situation! Considering all these points should hopefully lead us towards restoring our beautiful smile just like we always wanted!